Mittwoch, 30. Mai 2012

GO Keyboard ICS Skin - Free Download

GO Keyboard ICS Skin

Name: GO Keyboard ICS Skin
Entwickler: dcomobile
Preis: 0,74 € For free at our blog!
Größe: 469k
Version: 1.2.2
minimale Android Version: 1.6 oder höher
Kategorie: Personalisierung
Download: Look at the bottom of the page


This theme can only run on GO Keyboard 0.4.3 or later.

A stylish keyboard, to mimic the look of the keyboard in the Ice Cream Sandwich.
This is not an exact duplicate, but very close in style and look.

This would also be part of the ICS PRO All in One, but the code does not allow, Sorry.

In a effort to release an entire line of premium themes to match the entire GO! series of apps for android.

1. This is not a standalone theme, you need to download the LATEST version of GO Keyboard in order to apply this theme. (Search “GO Keyboard" in the Android Market)

2. To apply the theme:
-Select "GO Keyboard" from app drawer
-Select "Theme Settings"
-Select "Select Theme"
-Choose theme, press "Apply"

Please check out our other matching apps!
-In Many colors!

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Android is a trademark of Google Inc.

GO Keyboard theme go keyboard skin gokeyboardskin gokeyboardtheme GO ICS Ice Cream Sandwich dcomobile Neon blue glass black GO SMS Pro theme gosmstheme Contactstheme,GOContactstheme GOContacts Contactstheme

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