Name: GambatteDroid Entwickler: Halsafar Preis: Größe: 2,4M | Version: 1.2 minimale Android Version: 2.0 oder höher Kategorie: Gelegenheitsspiele Download: Look at the bottom of the page |
Gameboy and Gameboy Color Emulator
GambatteDroid is an open source Gameboy and Gameboy Color emulator powered by Gambatte. This is a cycle accurate emulator with high game compatibility. Supports all Android 2.X, 3.X and 4.X devices. Use shaders to increase the graphic quality. High quality multi touch input. Use a keyboard or gamepad with custom key bindings if you have one. Lots of features! Check out NESDroid, GENPlusDroid and SNESDroid as well! See Youtube for GambatteDroid video.
Check us out at:
- Sound has some problems now and then during screen switching. Gameplay is generally perfect.
- Developers cannot respond to comments, so if you need help please email me.
- If you have any issues with this new application please take a moment and report them to me.
- Supports Android 2.X, 3.X, 4.X
- Gameboy and Gameboy Color
- Multi Touch/Keyboard/Gamepad controller supported
- Custom key bindings
- Fast Forward
- Auto Save, phone calls won't ruin your game
- Move and resize the touch input controls to your liking!
- Load/Browse compressed archives (*.zip)
- Custom ROM directory, RomFetcher support
- PAL support
- Shaders! (mcgreen, hq2x, super eagle, 2xSaI, etc). Requires a device with a good GPU. Download within the application. Users can add their own too if they want.
- Tablets, many tablets are known to be working perfectly
- After installation, start GambatteDroid, follow welcome screen instructions, they are as follows:
To install ROMS:
- Exit GambatteDroid
- Connect your device to a PC
- Put your device in "disk mode"
(This step differs for each device)
- Copy ROMS to "/GambatteDroid/roms/"
(Directory should already be created)
- Take your device out of "disk mode"
- Start GambatteDroid
- The resume button in the main menu rarely works
- Manually loading the auto state fails sometimes
Report all issues to me via email ( or post them at:
- Compile yourself, instructions coming soon!
- Shader performance increase for all devices
- Game Genie
- Haptic Feedback
- Stereoscopic 3D (only on supported devices)
- Email me for feature requests!
This product is not affiliated with, nor authorized, endorsed or licensed in any way by Nintendo Corporation, its affiliates or subsidiaries. Nintendo game software sold separately. Nintendo© are trademarks or registered trademarks of Nintendo Corporation. All rights reserved. Company and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. All brands/names/images/etc are copyrighted by their respective owners. Images are shown for documentation purposes only. Halsafar/Sandstorm is not affiliated with, nor authorized, endorsed or licensed in any way by software/hardware companies.
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