Donnerstag, 24. Mai 2012

嘸蝦米輸入法 正式版 - Free Download

嘸蝦米輸入法 正式版

Name: 嘸蝦米輸入法 正式版
Entwickler: 行易有限公司 Boshiamy C&C Ltd.
Preis: 5,32 € For free at our blog!
Größe: 2,0M
Version: 2.3.01
minimale Android Version: 1.6 oder höher
Kategorie: Tools
Download: Look at the bottom of the page



由於近日常有使用者反應無法在 Market 上搜尋及購買嘸蝦米輸入法,為避免 Market 付費機制的不確定性及維護使用者的權益,我們已提供全新的官網付費平台。

您可先至 Market 上搜尋免費的「嘸蝦米輸入法」,該版本提供 30 天完整功能試用期,試用期間可隨時透過官網付費升級為正式版,歡迎多加利用。

這兩個版本功能完全相同,已購買此 $6.99 之版本的使用者可正常更新,權益不受影響。



Audio Cambridge Advanced - Free Download

Audio Cambridge Advanced

Name: Audio Cambridge Advanced
Entwickler: Mobile Systems
Preis: 17,99 € For free at our blog!
Größe: 1,2M
Version: 3.2.105
minimale Android Version: 2.0 oder höher
Kategorie: Bücher & Nachschlagewerke
Download: Look at the bottom of the page


Cambridge English dictionary with over 70,000 words, phrases and examples.

The Audio Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary provides definitions for about 170,000 words, phrases and examples and is compiled to offer what learners need most in a dictionary.

The Third Edition offers new, up-to-date vocabulary (e.g. sex up, speed-dating, whiteboard), new 'mini-collocation' boxes, and new frequency information to highlight the most important words to learn. The new Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary gives you everything you need to learn English and pass exams!

Over 170,000 words, phrases and examples

* Over 79,800 high-quality English audio recordings with UK and US English pronunciations compiled and recorded by Cambridge University Press
* You will find newly added Illustrations and photos to illustrate the word definitions.
* Common grammar and style and usage labels included
* Examples included in the word definitions show you how to use words in the most natural and fluent way.
* All the important new words that have come into the language (e.g. dirty bomb, lairy, 9/11, clickable)
* Only words from a defining vocabulary used to help make definitions easy to understand
* Over 90,000 examples, mainly full sentences, show you how English is used in context and help you write natural English.
* 25,000 collocations show the way words work together in English
* Automatic recognition of inflected forms

The MSDict Dictionary Format

The Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary is here presented in MSDict electronic format. MSDict offers best experience in mobile reference and is available for any handheld platform.

* Quick dynamic search of words while you type
* Transcriptions facilitating pronunciation
* Hyperlinks between different related words
* History to see the last 50 words you have looked up
* Support for memory cards
* Filters to help you locate the word you are searching for:
o Fuzzy filter- used when you are not sure of the correct spelling of a word
o Keyword-used to locate the instances of a key word within other compound words
o Wild card - "?" and "*" replace a letter and group of letters in words
* Fast article scrolling
* Ability to have dictionary Word of the day as a widget on the phone home screen
* Ability to search words in the installed dictionaries through the standard phone search feature

Birthday Calendar Classic - Free Download

Birthday Calendar Classic

Name: Birthday Calendar Classic
Entwickler: BigDates Solutions
Preis: 0,72 € For free at our blog!
Größe: 1,0M
Version: 1.4
minimale Android Version: 1.6 oder höher
Kategorie: Soziale Netzwerke
Download: Look at the bottom of the page


Birthday Calendar Classic has just made being thoughtful easier and more fun!

Birthday Calendar Classic brings its service to Android with many of the same features and functionality:

-View upcoming birthdays and holidays in a beautifully laid-out list format

-Send virtual gifts

-Post Happy Birthday messages to your friends' Facebook walls

-Text, email, or call friends


Easy Birthday Reminders (FULL) - Free Download

Easy Birthday Reminders (FULL)

Name: Easy Birthday Reminders (FULL)
Entwickler: 10centApps
Preis: 1,52 € For free at our blog!
Größe: 1,1M
Version: 1.21
minimale Android Version: 2.1 oder höher
Kategorie: Soziale Netzwerke
Download: Look at the bottom of the page


A SINGLE WIDGET for all your
birthdays & anniversaries!



Find it in,

◊ "View More Applications from Developer"

◊ "Related Apps"


A SINGLE WIDGET for all your
birthdays & anniversaries!




Easy to use.
No re-entering names and dates.
No file importing.
Always up-to-date.

★ Choice of Widget size and color!

★ Keep Gift Idea lists for everyone!

★ Birthday & Anniversary Reminders via your phone's notifications!

★ Syncs to your Google Calendar!

★ Re-syncs each day with Facebook to keep friends and photos always up-to-date!

★ Remember to call, text, send a card, buy a gift!

★ Great for friends, family, even business clients!

aFirewall blocker - Free Download

aFirewall blocker

Name: aFirewall blocker
Entwickler: Lucky-dog
Preis: 1,76 € For free at our blog!
Größe: 2,9M
Version: 3.6.3
minimale Android Version: 1.6 oder höher
Kategorie: Tools
Download: Look at the bottom of the page


Im Falle von Problemen mit aFirewall, bitte senden Sie mir eine E-Mail, andernfalls werde ich nicht in der Lage sein, angemeldete Probleme zu beheben oder Benutzervorschläge zu implementieren! Bitte posten Sie keine Meldungen von Problemen in den Kommentaren vom Market - das ist nicht der Richtige Ort dafür, zumal es für mich unmöglich ist, Meldungen dort zu verfolgen.

1). Unterstützung von Regelnerstellung, um die Feineinstellung des Anwendungsverhaltens in Abhängigkeit zu Woche, Tag oder Stunde zu ermöglichen,
2). Einträge in schwarze und wieße Listen können einfach aus den Logdaten Ihrer Anrufe oder Kurznachrichten, bzw. aus Kontakten kopiert oder einfach per Hand vorgenommen werden,
3). Blokieren-Modi können getrennt für Anrufe und Textnachrichten konfiguriert werden,
4). blokierte Anrufe können zu Voice Mail oder zu einer nicht existierenden Telefonnummer umgeleitet oder einfach abgelehnt werden,
5). Benutzung von Platzhaltern für die Suche von Telefonnummern möglich,
6). SMS-Blokierung auf Basis von Inhaltsschlüsselwörtern,
7). kann eine automatische Antwort an den blokierten Anrufer senden,
8). geschützte Unterhaltungszone mit Passwortschutz,
9). Export/Import von schwarzen und weißen Listen, Blokierungseinträgen und Einstellungen,
10). Logs aller abgelehnten Anrufe und Kurznachrichten.

Knit Counter - Free Download

Knit Counter

Name: Knit Counter
Entwickler: CrazyFiberLady Software
Preis: 0,70 € For free at our blog!
Größe: 69k
Version: 4.2.3
minimale Android Version: 1.5 oder höher
Kategorie: Tools
Download: Look at the bottom of the page


Knit Counter is a multi-project/multi-counter application for Knitting and Crocheting. Have one for your sweater project, and another for socks, or whatever else you need.

Developed by a knitter, for knitters!

Long press Project name to get delete option. Long press counter name for counter options.

To set Stay Awake and Sound global defaults use the Settings option from the Menu on the main app screen. Toggling the value from the project view is just for the current operation and will get reset to the default the next time you open the project.

See website for full feature/release notes.

Please email me with any questions or problems!

Recent Changes:
+fix for error with older versions due to 4.2.1
+ fix for error with newer android and click sound looping until force quit
+Add the ability to set a minimum for a counter. Handy for when you need to repeat a range of pattern rows (i.e. repeat rows 9-15 six times)

If current value is less than the minimum when using the Set screen, the current value is set to the minimum.

~Modified Edit Note screen to fill screen with edit box and add scroll! Save/Cancel option through Menu button
~Add Toggle Sound to Project Menu (as well as through the settings on the main screen)

DroidPSK - PSK31 - Free Download

DroidPSK - PSK31

Name: DroidPSK - PSK31
Entwickler: Wolphi LLC
Preis: 3,94 € For free at our blog!
Größe: 2,1M
Version: 2.14
minimale Android Version: 2.1 oder höher
Kategorie: Kommunikation
Download: Look at the bottom of the page


DroidPSK is an application to decode and encode Ham Radio BPSK31. A great tool for portable Amateur Radio PSK operation.
DroidPSK is able to decode a BPSK31 signal though the build in microphone. Just hold your Android phone or tablet close to the speaker of you Amateur Radio transceiver, adjust the waterfall slider to the PSK carrier frequencies and DroidPSK will start decoding.
In transmitting mode characters can be entered trough the keyboard. 9 Macros are also available to store standard texts like "name and qth" and "station info"
Starting V2.0 DroidPSK now also includes a logbook. Callsign, Name RST etc can be easily transferred into the lookbook from the receiving screen. The logbook also includes ADIF export and import to transfer your logbook data to a PC based logging software.
If you like to see more information you can take a look at the manual at:
The suggested frequencies for PSK on the Amateur Radio bands are:
- 160m 1838.15 MHz
- 80m 3580.15 MHz
- 40m 7035.15 MHz for region 1 and region 3, and 7080.15 MHz for region 2 *
- 30m 10142.15 MHz
- 20m 14070.15 MHz
- 17m 18100.15 MHz
- 15m 21080.15 MHz (although most activity can be found 10 KHz lower)
- 12m 24920.15 MHz
- 10m 28120.15 MHz

If you experience any problems or have any suggestions please let me know at I would like to hear your feedback.

AndroTimWidget Pro via sms - Free Download

AndroTimWidget Pro via sms

Name: AndroTimWidget Pro via sms
Preis: 1,49 € For free at our blog!
Größe: 158k
Version: 1.5.25
minimale Android Version: 1.6 oder höher
Kategorie: Tools
Download: Look at the bottom of the page


AndroTimWidget: Il tuo credito e le tue opzioni, a portata di Click!

AndroTimWidget è molto più che una widget!


** Chi possiede Tutto Compreso Ricaricabile / Tutto Compreso SMS ed ha ricevuto sms di errore dal 40916 è pregato di fare click su "VALORI PREDEFINITI" con il tasto MENU dalle Impostazioni.

E' un servizio di aggiornamento e sincronizzazione di credito e opzioni dell'operatore mobile TIM (Telecom Italia Mobile) per RICARICABILI.

SOLO nella PRO:
- Filtrare gli sms indesiderati del tuo operatore.
- Usare tutte le widget per controllare il credito e le opzioni attive!
- Controllare il credito e le altre offerte anche all'estero.

LA TUA OPZIONE NON E' SUPPORTATA? Cerca nel Market: AndroTimWeb la nuova app di! (Supporta anche ABBONAMENTO!)

*** ATTENZIONE La data e l'ora presenti in alcune widget si riferisce SOLO ed esclusivamente all'ultimo addebito avvenuto sul CREDITO, tale data ci viene comunicata da Tim tramite sms.


Prima di acquistare la versione PRO ti consigliamo vivamente di provare la LITE per verificare il corretto aggiornamento delle tue opzioni.

*** HandCent SMS ha impostato la massima priorità per la Ricezione SMS, pertanto AndroTimWidget NON può più funzionare in presenza di HandCent.

** SOLUZIONE Per GO SMS: Rimuovere la SPUNTA (nelle Impost. di GoSMS) a "Disable other message notification, Disable other SMS related apps' notification in notification bar, avoid duplicate notifications"

NB: se per caso la Tim ti ha regalato un periodo gratis di fruizione dell'opzione, ti informiamo che la Tim non fornisce aggiornamenti della tariffa via sms durante questo periodo.

AndroTim Widget a differenza di altre applicazioni NON utilizza username e password o altri dati sensibili.

Il servizio utilizza l'invio e la ricezione di sms gratuiti dell'operatore TIM.

L'applicazione nella versione PRO è del tutto PRIVA DI PUBBLICITA'. non è in alcun modo affiliata con l'operatore mobile Tim, pertanto eventuali disservizi causati dall'operatore non sono imputabili alla stessa.

Eventuali marchi registrati sono dei rispettivi proprietari, gli sviluppatori non sono in alcun modo associati alle seguenti società: “Telecom Italia S.p.A.”.

AndroTimWidget Pro ti permette inoltre di conoscere il tuo credito residuo in tempo reale alla fine di ogni telefonata utilizzando il nuovo servizio offerto dalla Tim: InfoSMS.

Per attivarlo basta inviare un SMS al 40916 con il testo INFOSMS ON
Il Servizio è completamente gratuito.
Con Info SMS, potrai conoscere automaticamente alla fine di ogni chiamata effettuata:
1) costo chiamata
2) credito residuo

AndroTimWidget (PRO) filtra questi messaggi e allo stesso tempo recupera il credito residuo!

Opzioni attualmente supportate:
*) Credito
*) Bonus
*) TimX2
*) TimXTutti
*) TimXTuttiItaly
*) TimXSmartphone
*) TimXSmartphone Senza limiti
*) Internet 5GB (Normale/per Tablet)
*) TimXTuttiMessaggi
*) Tim TiRicarica
*) Tim MegaAutoricarica
*) Maxxi (Internet/Dream/iPhone) 10
*) Tutto Compreso Ricaricabile (60min), VIP (120min), SMS
*) Internet 40/100 Ore
*) Internet 1GB per Tablet
*) Tim Premia
*) Tim TuttoCompreso SMS100
*) MaxxiAliceNextFree
*) Tutto Smartphone
*) Tim Young (Dati/SMS)
*) Tutto Tablet1GB ...

La tua opzione non è tra le precedenti? Inviaci una mail!

RICORDA: AndroTimWidget funziona attraverso l'invio(gratuito) e la ricezione di SMS da/verso il 40916, quindi se l'operatore mobile TIM non mette a disposizione un SMS da inviare al 40916 per conoscere lo stato dell'opzione attiva, allora AndroTimWidget non riuscirà a recuperarne l'aggiornamento!

Yin The Black Cat - Free Download

Yin The Black Cat

Name: Yin The Black Cat
Entwickler: apofiss
Preis: 1,19 € For free at our blog!
Größe: 1,2M
Version: 1.0.2
minimale Android Version: 2.1 oder höher
Kategorie: Personalisierung
Download: Look at the bottom of the page


Yin the Black Cat within a magical atmosphere complemented with firefles.

Yin the Black Cat is a live wallpaper featuring a magical atmosphere. The black cat Yin watches luminescent fireflies glide around him. Yin blinks his eyes, shakes his ears and follows fireflies or even your touch!

* Added touch active Yin function ( Yin follows your touch )
* New Yin's eyes system ( follows fireflies movement )
* Dynamic background FX ( more lively and magic background )
* Redesigned settings!
* Still excellent performance and battery life! ** ( doesn't eat your phone's battery )

Supports all screen sizes except tablets.

SUPPORT and bug reports -

Watch Weed Grow - Free Download

Watch Weed Grow

Name: Watch Weed Grow
Entwickler: Buka Bros
Preis: 1,39 € For free at our blog!
Größe: 6,8M
Version: 1.0.0
minimale Android Version: 2.1 oder höher
Kategorie: Personalisierung
Download: Look at the bottom of the page


Watch a weed plant grow from seed to bud!

Watch as a marijuana plant slowly grows in the background on your phone screen.

You can choose how long it takes for the plant to grow from seedling to full-grown flowering.

Whether you call it weed, pot, grass, herb, bud, ganja, marijuana, cannabis, this plant has been an important part of human society for thousands of years.

Compatible with Android 2.1+

To use, download the app and change your Wallpaper. Then choose the live wallpaper "Watch Grass Grow."

Please let me know if you have any problems!
Ratings and reviews very appreciated!

Tumblroid - Free Download


Name: Tumblroid
Entwickler: James OBrien
Preis: 1,12 € For free at our blog!
Größe: 194k
minimale Android Version: 1.5 oder höher
Kategorie: Soziale Netzwerke
Download: Look at the bottom of the page


This application will allow you to browse your tumblr dashboard, reblog friends & to post/edit/delete your own text, video and images.

Please view the website for the change-log and more information. Also please feel free to email any suggestions/problems you may have.

MYAndroid Protection 90 Tage - Free Download

MYAndroid Protection 90 Tage

Name: MYAndroid Protection 90 Tage
Entwickler: MYMobileSecurity Ltd
Preis: 2,99 € For free at our blog!
Größe: 1,8M
Version: 4.2
minimale Android Version: 2.0 oder höher
Kategorie: Effizienz-Tools
Download: Look at the bottom of the page


90 Tage Schutz für Ihr Android für nur € 2,99, 67% Rabatt vom Verkaufspreis

Die beste und umfassendste Sicherheitssoftware auf dem Android Markt für maximale Sicherheit.

* Schutz gegen Vieren, Malware und Spyware
* Schutz gegen Diebstahl oder Verlust
* Echtzeitüberwachung
* Schutz gegen Kreditkartenbetrug und Identitätsdiebstahl
* Umfassende Kundenbetreuung in der jeweiligen Landessprache

MYAndroid Schutztechnologie bietet ihnen die Möglichkeit sich gegen Vieren, Malware, Daten sowie Identitätsdiebstahl und Kreditkartenbetrug zu schützen. Es bietet eine Echtzeitüberwachung sowie Backup und -datenwierherstellungsoptionen. “Die beste App auf dem Android Markt” meint Steen Jørgensen, Chefredatkteur des Android Magazins.

Warum man MYAndroid Protection installieren sollte?

Heutzutage tauschen wir viele private Informationen mit Freunden und anderen Kontakten über soziale Netzwerke wie Facebook aus. Gehen sie sicher, dass diese Informationen geschützt bleiben.

Kaufen Sie das allerbeste Android-Schutzprogramm, die 90-Tage Version jetzt zum Sonderpreis von nur 2,99€!
Sonderangebot: 90 Tage volles Schutzpaket für Ihren Android für nur 2,99€, 67% des normalen Verkaufpreises.

Die preisgekrönte Technologie hinter MYAndroid Protection hat mehr als 60 Millionen zufriedene Benutzer.

Die Technologie hinter MYAndroid Protection hat, im Vergleich zu z.B. Lookout, DroidSecurity, Norton Mobile Security und AVG Mobile Security, schon einige Auszeichnungen erhalten, einschliesslich den begehrten "Frost & Sullivan Marktführer für Mobiltelefon-Sicherheit" Preis.

MYAndroid Protection beinhaltet automatische Updates und umfassende Kundenbetreuung per Email, Telefon oder Skype.

Antivirus, Virus, Sicherheit, Diebstahl, Backup, Malware, Betrug, Schutz, wiederherstellen, Diebstahlschutz, Verlustsicherung, lokalisieren, wiederherstellen,


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