Black Gloss Go Launcher Theme
Name: Black Gloss Go Launcher Theme Entwickler: A. Simmons Preis: Größe: 1,5M | Version: 13.0 minimale Android Version: 2.1 oder höher Kategorie: Personalisierung Download: Look at the bottom of the page |
If you post a comment to complain about having to download Go Launcher when the comments explicitly says "!!!REQUIRES Go Launcher EX HOME REPLACEMENT(THE BEST)!!!" then your an idiot and I will only point and laugh.
If your icons are disappearing on the dock try going to menu> preferences> advanced settings> clean rubbish data if thats doesn't work then reset the launcher, warning this will put all your desktop settings back to default... so you'll just need to setup your widgets and icons again, goto menu>preferences>and second to last... reset to defaults.
!!!Stop have you looked at my black glass theme? Scroll to the bottom and "view more applications"!!!
Black, Shiny and very Glossy theme for GO Launcher EX... the best launcher out! Don't forget my other themes for GO Launcher. Careful this theme has been known to make iPhone users jealous, make your mother-in-law stop talking and get you that pay raise at work...
57 custom icons (and counting).
1 black, shiny and glossy icon tile theme.
2 "Dark Sky" backgrounds.
App drawer is transparent and Tabs have been redone in to black gloss.
"Sense Analog Glass Clock" and the skin is fw4
Visit my blog and ask question free content.
!!!Important having trouble getting Go Launcher as your default home app download "Home Switcher" from the market this will allow you to easily switch to Go Launcher as your default home app!!!
once Go Launchers is installed goto menu>preferences>theme preferences> and the scroll till you see "Black Gloss" click and apply.
!!!PLEASE leave me a comment tell me whats wrong or give me some suggestions for a new theme. Am I missing an icon, icon you would like, drop me an email!!!!
I will be adding more icons to all me theme over the next week!!
Icons not themed switch to another theme and then back to "Black Gloss".
Big thanks to Go Dev!!!
Key Words: GO Launcher EX Theme glossy glassy black theme shiny icons gloss clean