Name: InfusionCalc Entwickler: Polyclef Software Preis: Größe: 21k | Version: 1.20 minimale Android Version: 1.5 oder höher Kategorie: Gesundheit & Fitness Download: Look at the bottom of the page |
Great tool for paramedics and nurses.
InfusionCalc is an infusion calculator. Great tool for paramedics/nurses. Enter the dosage ordered (mcg/kg/min), drug on hand (mg or mcg), fluid volume (ml), drop factor, and patient's weight (kg or lbs).
Calculate ml/hr:
answer1 = (dosageOrdered * patientWeight * fluidVolume * 60) / (drugOnHand * 1000)
Calculate gtts/min:
answer1 * dropFactor / 60
Download: InfusionCalc APK for free
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